Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"They worked hard to satisfy my needs and to sell me a car I truly like, without my payment being to out of my range," says Julian S. in this review on Google+ Local!

Julian Scretchen Jan 23, 2013
On my prev review, I gave this business a hands down NO in customer service, so I wrote a review and the dealership called me up and wanted a chance to redeem themselves and put me with a different sales asscoiate that they felt would better represent me, and I thought to come back for a second try, and i must say the really did impress me. they worked hard to satisfy my needs and to sell me a car I truly like, without my payment being to out of my range. Would I recommend this dealership....ummmm yeah I would. #Igotagreatcar
Click here to read more reviews on Google+ Local. 

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